Reference, Installation, and Operations Manual

Section 5: Startup and meter configuration

3-9000-743 Rev S

June 2013




Flow Pressure

If the pressure in the meter is disabled, this text box is enabled to allow you to enter a pressure for the process fluid if desired. If the pressure in the meter is set to fixed or live, this text box is disabled and the information is collected from the meter during the log collection by default.

You can override this by selecting the User check box next to the input value to enable the text box and enter a value to log in place of reading it from the meter.

Flow Temperature

If the temperature in the meter is disabled, this text box is enabled to allow you to enter a temperature for the process fluid if desired. If the temperature in the meter is set to fixed or live, this text box is disabled and the information is collected from the meter during the log collection by default. You can override this by selecting the User check box next to the input value to enable the text box and enter a value to log in place of reading it from the meter.

Save meter configuration .cfg file

Saves the meter configuration file when a Maintenance Log is run if selected. The filename will be the same name as the Maintenance Log except the file extension will be .cfg.


Enter a comment here to be included in the Maintenance Log. The comment is a column towards the end of the Table. The comment is included with each record collected. Use the Pause button to halt the maintenance log to change the comment if desired during the collection.

Meter Status Alarms

The status alarms give a visual indication of the status of the meter. In this dialog box, the alarms are read when the dialog box is first opened. Then they are only updated while a Maintenance log is running.


Clicking Pause during a maintenance log collection will halt the collection after the current collection in progress is finished. While paused, you can edit the Comment field to be used once the maintenance log is resumed. The Pause button changes to Resume once the log is halted. Clicking Resume, continues the maintenance log.

Scroll to Newest Record During Log Collection

Select this option to allow Daniel MeterLink to scroll the table so that the most recent log record collected is always displayed during the log collection. Clear the selection to scroll through older log records while the collection is still in process.

Log Format