Section 3: Installation

Reference, Installation, and Operations Manual

June 2013

3-9000-743 Rev S



1.Before powering down the meter, run an Edit/Compare Configuration using Daniel MeterLink and save the configuration file.

2.Power down the PC, then remove power to the meter.

3.During the meter installation if changing electronic components or switch settings, remove the end caps from the Upper Electronics Housing. Remove and replace any of the Daniel 3400 Series Ultrasonic Flow Meter boards (CPU, I.S. Interface Board, Field Termination Board, Option Board, or Series 100 Plus Option Board.

If the meter is equipped with retention screws in the end caps, use a 5 inch (2.0 mm) hexagon wrench to



remove the screws.

If the meter is equipped with wire security seals on the Upper Electronics Housing (end caps and Base Unit cover), remove them before attempting to access the Upper Electronics Housing and Base Unit. Refer to Daniel drawing DMC-002733 for installation of security seals.

Figure 3-9 Upper electronics enclosure security seals





































Upper Electronics Security Seals


End Cap Security Seals

4.Refer to the wiring diagram card located inside the Upper Electronics Enclosure for switch settings and wiring instructions (see Figure 3-16through Figure 3-19and Appendix I). Also, for detailed instructions on replacing meter electronic components, refer to Daniel P/N 3-9000-749 Daniel Series 100 Option Board Field Installation Procedure. This manual may be accessed and downloaded from the Daniel website.

To access the product manual, from the Daniel products page (above link), select the Daniel SeniorSonic 4-Path Gas Flow Meter link, click the Documentation tab, expand the Manuals & Guides tab, then select the manual.


Accessing the Daniel 3400 Series Ultrasonic Flow Meter components