Reference, Installation, and Operations Manual

Section 6: Meter operation

3-9000-743 Rev S

June 2013




6.6.5System log

The Mark III meter logs all system messages in the system log. The meter can store up to 100 system records. The user can select whether old, unread records can be overwritten by new records when the log becomes full via the data point DoOverwriteUnreadSystemLog. This point can be modified using the Daniel MeterLink Tools - Edit/Compare Configuration screen. The default is to overwrite old, unread records. Refer to Section 6.6.6 for information on reading records and marking records as read. The data point IsSystemLogFull indicates whether or not the system log is full and cannot overwrite old, unread records.

Repetitive system messages are prevented from filling up the system log. When a particular system message occurs 3 times within 60 seconds, that system message is suppressed until that message’s frequency drops below the 3 times-per-60 sec rate. The system log records indicate when a system message suppression is started and ended.

The System log is for Daniel use and interpretation.

6.6.6Reading log records

Note that reading log records is an optional feature as described in general in Section 430 and in detail in Section 4.1.4.

Mark III meter log records are read using the Daniel MeterLink Logs/Reports - Meter Archive Logs screen. The are three log groups:

dailyhourlyevent (audit, alarm, and system logs)

Select the desired log group(s) via the Collect daily log/Collect hourly log/Collect event log check boxes. If the event group is selected, the audit, alarm, and system logs are individually selectable. Whenever any log is collected, the current meter configuration is also collected.

Options for reading daily and/or hourly log records

The options for reading daily and hourly log records are the same. The Daniel MeterLink Logs/Reports - Meter Archive Logs screen indicates the number of days’ records that are available to read. Select the log type(s) to be collected via the Collect daily log and/or Collect hourly log check boxes. Select whether to collect either all log records or the last specified number of days’ records. Also, select whether to collect all log data or just the data points required by the API Chapter 21 standard. Table 6-18lists the daily log data points and Table 6-19lists the hourly log data points. For both tables, data points required by the API Chapter 21 standard are marked with an asterisk (*).

Options for reading audit, alarm, and/or system log records

The options for reading audit, alarm, and system log records are the same. The Daniel MeterLink Logs/Reports - Meter Archive Logs screen indicates the number of records available for each

System log