Reference, Installation, and Operations Manual

Section 7: Maintenance and troubleshooting

3-9000-743 Rev S

June 2013




9.When all of the data is collected, the SOS Calculator dialog appears (if a Computed SOS value was entered, it will be included or if Manually entered SOS has been selected). Click the Calculate button and the SOS data is included in the Maintenance log spreadsheet.

Figure 7-18 Speed of Sound dialog

10.Click the Finish button for the Speed of Sound calculations.

11.Daniel CUI displays a message that the log data collection is complete and allows to you open the file now or open it at a late time.

Figure 7-19 Log complete dialog

12.Click the Yes button to view the Microsoft® Excel file or click the NO button to view the reports at a later time. Daniel MeterLink returns you to the Maintenance and Reports dialog box.

13.If you clicked the Yes button in the previous step, Microsoft® Excel opens the log reports.

Collecting logs and viewing Excel reports