Reference, Installation, and Operations Manual

Upgrading a Mark II to a Mark III

3-9000-743 Rev S

June 2013





Configuration conversion

When upgrading a Mark II electronics head with a Mark III electronics head, the Mark II configuration must first be saved to a file using Daniel MeterLink.

When a Mark II electronics head is going to be replaced by a Mark III, Daniel MeterLink can be used to convert the configuration and download it to the Mark III. To do this, first connect to the Mark II electronics. Collect and save the configuration using the Edit/Compare Configuration dialog box. Replace the electronics with the Mark III electronics. Connect to the Mark III meter (see Section 5.3 for establishing initial communication) and open the Edit/Compare Configuration dialog. Open the configuration collected from the Mark II electronics. The Convert button becomes active after the Mark II configuration is read.

The Convert button is active only when a Mark II configuration is opened and Daniel

MeterLink is connected to a Mark III meter.

Click on the Convert button to convert the Mark II configuration to a Mark III configuration. A message appears requesting confirmation for the conversion - click the Yes button to continue. The table now shows the proposed Mark III configuration. All values highlighted in yellow are values from the Mark II configuration. Review the proposed Mark III configuration and make any necessary modifications. Click on the Write All button to write the changes to the Mark III meter. Once the configuration is written, you can choose to compare the displayed configuration with the configuration in the meter by selecting Meter and clicking Compare. This will verify everything was written correctly.

All applicable Mark II configuration parameters are converted for the Mark III. The following sections describe in detail several key points about the conversion.

C.4.1 Metrology - meter body and transducer calibration values

The Daniel MeterLink configuration conversion feature copies the Mark II meter body parameters and transducer delay time parameters directly to the Mark III data points (PipeDiam, XA...XD, LA...LD, AvgDlyA...AvgDlyD, DltDlyA...DltDlyD).

Note that the Mark II CableDly parameter is not copied to the Mark III as the value is specific to the Mark II electronics. The Mark III accounts for electronics delay via the SystemDelay data point. Isolating the electronics delay from the transducer delays allows for the transducer delay times to be directly copied from a Mark II to a Mark III.

The Mark III sets the chord weights based upon the specified device number (DeviceNumber) so these data points are not Mark III configuration points. Thus, the Mark II chord weights (WtA...WtD) are not copied to the Mark III but, instead, are used to set the proper Mark III DeviceNumber.

Configuration conversion