Reference, Installation, and Operations Manual

Section 6: Meter operation

3-9000-743 Rev S

June 2013




On the Daniel MeterLink Analog Inputs Wizard Start screen, select the analog input to calibrate and click on the Next button. The Current Calibration screen shows the current offset and gain and the input scaling (i.e., the pressures or temperatures corresponding to the minimum (4 mA) input and maximum (20 mA) inputs).

The offset and gain can be reset to the default values (0 and 1, respectively) by clicking the Reset Defaults button.

Clicking the Reset Defaults button writes the offset and gain immediately - the previous values cannot be restored.

Click the Edit Scaling button to modify the input scaling.

Changes to an analog input’s offset, gain, and scaling values are written to the audit log.

From the Current Calibration screen, click the Next button to proceed to the Calibration Method screen to select between the offset and two-point calibration methods. The offset method requires a single calibration point and only affects the input’s calibration offset parameter. The two-point calibration requires calibrating at two different points (ideally far apart in value) and affects the input’s calibration offset and gain parameters. Depending upon the selected calibration method, either one or two screens will follow when the Next button is clicked. The screen(s) will show the current (live) reading. When the input is stable, click on the Hold button to freeze the current reading. Enter the correct value in the Actual edit box. Finally, the Finish screen shows the new calculated offset and gain values. Click on the Finish button to write the values to the meter. If the meter is not configured to use live values from the analog input for calculation, a prompt is displayed asking if the configuration should be changed to use the live input.

Flow-condition pressure and temperature