Section 3: Installation

Reference, Installation, and Operations Manual

June 2013

3-9000-743 Rev S



3.4Wiring and Connections

Daniel MeterLink uses the TCP/IP protocol to communicate to the Daniel 3400 Series Gas Ultrasonic Flow Meter instead of Modbus ASCII or RTU. The TCP/IP protocol only works across either Ethernet, RS-485 full duplex (i.e., 4-wire), or RS-232. Daniel MeterLink can communicate with multiple meters if they are multi-dropped using 4-wire full duplex RS-485 mode. When installed, the Series 100 Plus Option Board provides communication flexibility with Daniel 3400 Series Gas Ultrasonic Flow Meters, enables the meter to easily communicate with other field devices Field Communicator (375) and AMS™ Suite), and ultimately communicate key diagnostic information through PlantWeb® architecture.

Daniel MeterLink cannot communicate with Daniel 3400 Series Gas Ultrasonic Flow Meter over RS-485 half duplex (i.e., 2-wire).

The Daniel 3400 Series Gas Ultrasonic Flow Meter can auto-detect the protocol used and automatically switch between TCP/IP, Modbus ASCII, and Modbus RTU so it is not necessary to make any meter configuration changes to change the protocol.

Use serial cable (Daniel P/N 3-2500-401) to connect to a PC running Daniel MeterLink. The cable is designed for RS-232 communications which is the serial Port B default configuration (see Appendix I field wiring diagram, Daniel Drawing DE-21056). The DB-9 end of the cable plugs directly into the PC running Daniel MeterLink. The three wires on the other end of the cable connect to the Field Connection Board at connector J7 (see Table 3-7for Port B wiring).

Table 3-7 J7 Port B WiringPower and Communications Field Connection Board Wiring

PC Connector

Field Connection Board



DB-9 cable

J7 Port B Wiring


Red - J7-Pin 1


White - J7-Pin 2


Black - J7-Pin 3





Wiring and Connections