Reference, Installation, and Operations Manual

Section 5: Startup and meter configuration

3-9000-743 Rev S

June 2013




To determine whether a particular data point is write- protected, consult Daniel MeterLink online help. (There is a help topic for each data point, and each topic indicates whether the data point is one that is protected when configuration protection is enabled. From Daniel MeterLink, click on Help, click on Mark III Registers Reference, select the Index tab, start typing the data point name until the desired point is highlighted, and then click the Display button.)

Figure 5-6 Write protected registers

5.6.3Configuration checksum value and date

The Mark III meter maintains a configuration checksum value

(CnfgChksumValue) and associated date (CnfgChksumDate). These values can be used to determine if and when the meter configuration has last changed. In general, the data points included in the configuration checksum consist of the write-protected configuration points and the communication-related configuration points.

To determine whether a particular data point is included in the configuration checksum, consult Daniel MeterLink online help. (There is a help topic for each data point, and each topic indicates whether the data point is one that is included in the configuration. From Daniel MeterLink, click on Help, click on Mark III Registers Reference, select the Index tab, start typing the data point name until the desired point is highlighted, and then click the Display button.)

5.6.4Meter configuration using Daniel MeterLink

The Daniel MeterLink Field Setup Wizard takes you through several pages to configure the ultrasonic flow meter. Selections on the first page may limit which pages you go through. Following is a list of pages in the Field Setup Wizard and the order in which they appear.

To view or edit a configuration in table format, use the Daniel MeterLink Tools>Edit/Compare Configurations menu path:

Startup Page Section 5.6.5General Page Section 5.6.6Frequency Outputs Page (Series 100 Option Board) Section 5.6.7Current Outputs Page Section 5.6.8HART® Output Page (Series 100 Plus Option Board) Section 5.6.9Meter Digital Outputs Page Section 5.6.10Meter Corrections Page Section 5.6.11

Configuration checksum value and date