Section 7: Maintenance and troubleshooting

Reference, Installation, and Operations Manual

June 2013

3-9000-743 Rev S



7.6.1Collecting logs and viewing Excel reports

To collect Maintenance and Trend Logs for meter diagnostics,

1.Establish communication with the meter via Daniel CUI.

2.From Daniel CUI main window, use the Logs/ReportsMaintenance Logs and Reports menu path. The Maintenance Logs and Reports dialog appears.

Figure 7-14 Maintenance Logs and Reports Dialog

3.Set the log collection Duration (mins) (2 minutes is the default value which is normally adequate to capture a good snapshot of the meter's current diagnostic parameters). To get a good representation of the meter performance, it is recommended that there be at least 30 records (lines of data). The actual number of records collected are a function of the type of communication (Serial or Ethernet), Stack Size (if stacking is turned on), and the Collection speed selected. The duration value can be changed by clicking the number in the display/edit box and entering a new value.

4.If desired, a comment may be included in the log file by entering it in the display/edit box provided.

5.In the Log Format field, select Microsoft® Excel. DO NOT select Comma Separated Values (CSV), as this format is not compatible with the generation of graphics, trending and analysis offered by Daniel CUI and Microsoft® Excel. CSV should only be used if the computer does not have Microsoft® Excel. Once the file is collected in the CSV format, it can not be converted to a Microsoft® Excel format.


Collecting logs and viewing Excel reports