Section 6: Meter operation

Reference, Installation, and Operations Manual

June 2013

3-9000-743 Rev S



The flow-condition absolute flow pressure is calculated as shown in Equation 6-23.Equation 6-23 Flow-Condition Absolute Pressure

Pabs, f Pabs, f


Pf + PAtmosphere

InputPressureUnit = FALSE(Gage)



InputPressureUnit = TRUE(Absolute)


Pabs, f



=flow-condition absolute pressure (MPaa) (AbsFlowPressure)

=flow-condition pressure (MPa if InputPressureUnit=FALSE, MPaa if InputPressureUnit=TRUE) (FlowPressure)

=(specified) atmospheric pressure (MPaa) (AtmosphericPress)
Live (Analog) Input Calibration

The Option Board is required for live (analog) inputs (flow-condition pressure and/or temperature).

Configuration protection must be disabled when calibrating a Mark III live (analog) input.

In Daniel MeterLink, to calibrate a live (analog) input, use the CalibrationAnalog Inputs Wizard menu path. The Start screen is displayed first.

An analog input can be calibrated regardless of the corresponding input type (EnablePressure- Input or EnableTemperatureInput). However, if the corresponding input type is selected as Live, then the input being calibrated is considered to be invalid and the in-use value depends upon the FlowPOrTSrcUponAlarm selection (see above). In this case, the appropriate data point (FlowPressureWhileCal, FlowTemperatureWhileCal) is set to the in-use value so that it can be logged in the optional Audit log.


Flow-condition pressure and temperature