Section 6: Meter operation

Reference, Installation, and Operations Manual

June 2013

3-9000-743 Rev S



6.1.7Average weighted gas flow velocity

When all active chords are non-failed, the average weighted gas flow velocity is a weighted sum of the chord velocity measurements as shown in Equation 6-4where the chord weights are determined by the meter geometry.

Equation 6-4 Average weighted gas flow velocity


VAvgWtd =














average weighted gas flow velocity (m/s)







chord weight (dimensionless) (WtA ... WtD)






chord average gas velocity (m/s) (FlowVelA ... FlowVelD)




Average weighted flow velocity using chord proportions

In the event of one or more chord failure(s), the meter operation is dependent upon the number of non-failed chords. If there is at least one operating chord, then the meter uses a velocity estimation method described in the following paragraphs. If all chords fail, then the meter reenters the Acquisition mode as described in the “Re-Acquisition” section below.

The meter partitions the velocity range (for forward and reverse flow) into ten consecutive, non- overlapping “bins” (where the velocity range is as specified via the MeterMaxVel data point). The meter maintains a set of bins for each active chord where each bin contain three data values: (1) the chord’s average velocity (within the bin’s velocity range), (2) the chord’s average proportion value, and (3) a “trained” indicator. A chord proportion value is the ratio of the chord velocity to the average weighted flow velocity as shown in Equation 6-5below. The “trained” indicator is used to determine if a bin’s velocity and proportion data values have been updated from their initialized values. The bins are initialized with the average velocity over the bin’s range and meter-geometry-dependent proportion values. All “trained” indicators are initialized to FALSE. The bin data is stored in non-volatile memory.


Average weighted gas flow velocity