Reference, Installation, and Operations Manual

Section 5: Startup and meter configuration

3-9000-743 Rev S

June 2013




At least two Maintenance logs or one Trend file must be added to the Workbooks to trend list before the Trend button becomes enabled. Click Trend to open a Save As dialog box to allow you to choose a name for the Trend file. A default name that consists of the Meter Name of the first file selected to trend followed by “trend” and ending with the PC’s date and time is suggested.

If the first file selected to trend does not have a standard filename starting with either <Meter Name> maintenance log... or <Meter Name> trend... then the default filename suggested will be just “trend <Date> <Time>.xls”.

Make changes as desired and also include a Comment to include in the trend file. Clicking Save will start the Trend file creation. When the Trend file is finished, a prompt stating Log complete in “C:\Ultrasonic Data\<Meter Name>\<Meter Name> trend <Date> <Time>.xls”. Open? Click YES to close the prompt and open the Excel® file. Click NO to close the prompt but not open the Excel® file at this time.

The Microsoft® Excel® Trend file contains two worksheets. The following is a brief description of each.


Contains charts of the data collected and stored on the Raw Data worksheet. This worksheet is laid out to print one chart per page on a standard 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper. Click here for information on customizing this worksheet.

Raw Data

This worksheet contains the Averages row from Maintenance Log Raw Data worksheets and the rows or data from a Trend file Raw Data worksheet. Only the Technician level data values are included in a Trend file. The rows are sorted from oldest to newest. The first column in each row contains the filename of the Maintenance log the data comes from followed by the date and time columns for when the Maintenance log was created.

5.10.1Meter Archive Logs (Logs/Reports Menu)

The Meter Archive Logs dialog box allows you to collect historical log information from an ultrasonic meter. This dialog box is only available while connected to a meter. If connected to a Daniel Mark III Gas Ultrasonic meter, a valid LogAccessKey may be required before logs can be collected. See the Key Manager for more information on enabling keys.

Meter Archive Logs (Logs/Reports Menu)