Section 5: Startup and meter configuration

Reference, Installation, and Operations Manual

June 2013

3-9000-743 Rev S



Live Analog

Live HART (grayed out if not supported)


Note on Pressure and Temperature for Daniel JuniorSonic Gas Ultrasonic Meters - The pressure and temperature are required for the meter to calculate a Flow profile correction. If a pressure and temperature transmitter are not connected to the meter, it is recommended to set the pressure and temperature to Fixed and to later enter a fixed pressure and temperature as close as possible to the pressure and temperature of the process gas. Setting pressure and temperature to Not used limits your options for Flow profile correction to a default correction factor or to a Fixed correction factor that you must enter.

The Daniel Mark II Gas Ultrasonic meter does not support Live HART inputs.

4.Click the checkbox(s) to enable or disable the desired Meter Corrections:

Base condition correction

Flow profile correction (for JuniorSonic® only)

Temperature expansion correction:

For Daniel Mark II Gas Ultrasonic meters only, the Temperature expansion correction is only available for DFI boards running version 3.10 or later firmware.

Linear expansion coefficient: Enter the linear expansion coefficient of the meter body material

Linear expansion coefficient reference temperature: Enter the reference temperature for the Linear expansion coefficient.

Pressure expansion correction:


Startup page