Standard Operations
Table 23 Formula editor—Arithmetic operations
Operation | Formula | Description |
Addition | A+B |
Subtraction |
| |
Multiplication | AxB |
Division | A/B | Takes value 1 when B=0: Error <E2> “ARGUMENT” is set. |
Power | A^B | Takes value A^B, no error is set, when A<0. |
Sign |
| |
Parenthesis | (...) | Calculates everything in parenthesis, then applies operators outside. |
Table 24 Formula editor—Logical operations
Procedure | Formula | Description |
Less | A < B | Takes value 1 when condition is true, otherwise takes value 0 |
Less or equal | A ≤ B | Takes value 1 when condition is true, otherwise takes value 0 |
Greater | A > B | Takes value 1 when condition is true, otherwise takes value 0 |
Greater or equal | A ≥ B | Takes value 1 when condition is true, otherwise takes value 0 |
Equal | A=B | Takes value 1 when condition is true, otherwise takes value 0 |
Not equal | A ≠ B | Takes value 1 when condition is true, otherwise takes value 0 |
Logical Inversion | !A | Takes value 1 when A=0, otherwise takes value 0 |
Conditional | A ? B : C | Takes value C when A=0, otherwise takes value B |
Exclusive Or | A ^^ B | Takes value 1 when either A=0 or B=0 (but not both), otherwise takes value 0 |
Logic or | A B | Takes value 0 when A=0 and B=0, otherwise takes value 1 |
Logic and | A && B | Takes value 0 when A=0 or B=0, otherwise takes value 1 |
Table 25 Formula editor—Mathematical functions
Function | Formula | Description |
Square root | sqrt(A) | Takes value A when A<0: Error <E2> “ARGUMENT” is set takes value |
Square | sqr(A) | A x A |
Exponential function | exp(A) | e^A |
Exponential function base 10 | exd(A) | 10^A |
Natural logarithm | ln(A) | Takes values 0.0 when A<0: Error <E2> “ARGUMENT” is set |
Logarithm base 10 | log(A) | Takes values 0.0 when A<0: Error <E2> “ARGUMENT” is set |