Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer
The Wavelength Menus
To set the peak to the center of the display
1Press the
2Press the Peak to CENTER softkey to move the peak to the center of the display.
To change the default wavelength settings
1Press the
2Press the Wavelength Setup.... softkey. The Wavelength Setup panel opens.
Setup panel selections
The Wavelength Setup panel
Wavelength Units
Sets the wavelength units to nm, um, or Ang.
Wavelength Calibration
The wavelength calibration is not a simple offset applied to all wavelengths, but uses the trigonometric diffraction grating equation to correct all wavelengths in a calculated manner. The power offset is a simple offset applied equally to all wavelengths. It is good measurement practice to calibrate the optical spectrum analyzer as close as possible to the wavelength where you plan to make your measurements.
User Wavelength Cal Date
Shows the date of the last successful
Wavelength Offset
Specifies the wavelength offset. This is an offset between the measured wavelength and the displayed wavelength.