Remote Operation
CALCulate Subsystem Commands
CALCulate[123456]:AVERage[:STATe] OFFON01
Turns trace averaging ON and OFF. If a math expression with the corresponding CALCulate subopcode is OFF, the SENSe:DATA is averaged. If the math expression is ON, the result of the math expression is averaged.
The CALCulate:AVERage, CALCulate:MAXimum, and CALCulate:MINimum states are mutually exclusive. Each trace can have only one of these functions on at a time. Turning CALCulate:AVERage ON will automatically turn CALCu- late:MAXimum and CALCulate:MINimum OFF. Each trace can have different CALC blocks turned on.
Turns off all markers and marker functions.
If no marker number is given in the following marker commands, the command is interpreted as referring to marker number 1. For example, CALC:MARK ON is equivalent to CALC:MARK1 ON.
Going to zero span will turn off all markers. This is because markers are referenced to a particular time or wavelength not a particular display position. Going out of zero span will restore the markers to the state they were in before going to zero span. Changing to or from zero span changes the fundamental units for the
CALCulate:MARKer:FUNCtion:BWIDthBANDwidth:INTerpolate OFFON01
Turns the bandwidth marker interpolation ON or OFF. When interpolation is ON, the bandwidth markers will be placed at the exact NDB setting from the normal marker if the trace data allows. The position of the marker will be linearly interpolated between two true trace data points. The default state is ON. If interpolate is OFF, for negative NDB values, the bandwidth markers will be at