absolute accuracy, 7-3ac line-power cords, 6-4accessories, 6-2
connecting, 1-5static-safe,6-7
accuracy absolute/differential, 7-3amplitude, 3-2
area, moving, 3-47function area assist, 3-44
marker, automatic measurement, 3-54marker, setting, 3-23
trace, setting, 3-23,3-57
Active Marker.... softkey, 3-23,3-26–3-27
Active Trace.... softkey, 3-23,3-57
adapters, fiber-optic,6-6ADC trigger softkeys, 3-19
adding parameters in commands, 4-8 address. See HP-IB address
Adv Service Functions.... softkey, 3-50
Advanced Line Mkr Functions.... softkey, 3-29
automatic, 2-3,2-20,3-2–3-3multi-point,3-52
All Math Off softkey, 3-59amplitude
accuracy, 3-2
calibration. See power calibration units, setting, 3-12
vertical scale, 3-9Amplitude functions
amplitude settings, 3-11display mode, 3-10
peak to reference level, 3-11reference level, 3-9sensitivity, 3-10
vertical amplitude scale, 3-9Amplitude menu, 2-12,3-8Amplitude Setup... softkey, 3-11Appl’s key, 2-3
Applications menu, 2-10,2-13applications, accessing, 2-3auto
chop mode, setting, 3-13ranging, setting, 3-12
zero, setting, 3-12
Auto Align key, 2-3,2-21,3-3Auto Meas key, 2-3,2-21,3-4Auto Measure Setup.... softkey, 3-53
alignment, 2-3,2-20,3-2–3-3measurement, 3-4,3-53
automeasure, defaults, 3-53Averaging.... softkey, 3-60
backup internal memory, 3-39Backup/Restore Menu.... softkey, 3-39
bandwidth marker, 2-22interpolation, setting, 3-32units, setting, 3-31
Bandwidth not found message, 3-24Bandwidth/Sweep functions
ADC trigger, 3-19external trigger, 3-19gated trigger, 3-18internal trigger, 3-18repeat sweep, 3-17resolution bandwidth, 3-15single sweep, 3-17sweep time, 3-16synchronous output, 3-20trigger delay, 3-20
video bandwidth, 3-15Bandwidth/Sweep menu, 2-14,3-14
CALCulate subsystem commands, 4-45calibration, 3-45
amplitude See calibration, power cycle, 7-2
date, viewing, 3-13power, 3-13,3-44–3-45wavelength, 3-45–3-46,3-63
CALibration subsystem commands, 4-68Calibration.... softkey, 3-44
care of fiber optics, iii, 1-9
case sensitivity in commands, 4-7catalog file, selecting, 3-37center wavelength, 3-62
with markers, 3-24