Specifications and Regulatory Information



HP 86140A and HP 86143A

HP 86142A and HP 86145A







Sensitivity d



600 to 750 nm (no averaging required) e

–60 dBm

–60 dBm

750 to 900 nm (no averaging required) e

–75 dBm

–75 dBm

900 to 1250 nm (no averaging required) e

–75 dBm

–75 dBm

1250 to 1610 nm (no averaging required) e

–90 dBm

–90 dBm

1610 to 1700 nm (no averaging required) b

–80 dBm

–80 dBm

Maximum Measurement Power



1525 to 1700 nm

+15 dBm

+15 dBm

600 to 1000 nm

+15 dBm

+15 dBm

1000 to 1525 nm

+12 dBm

+12 dBm

Maximum Safe Power



Total Safe Power

+30 dBm

+30 dBm

Total Power, within any 10 nm portion of the

+23 dBm

+23 dBm




Calibration Accuracy at –20 dBm, 1310 nm/

± 0.5 dB

± 0.5 dB

1550 nm f



Scale Fidelity



Autorange off, 0 dBm b,g

± 0.07 dB

± 0.05 dB

Autorange on, 0 dBm b,g

± 0.1 dB

± 0.07 dB

Display Scale (log scale)

0.01 to 20 dB/Div,

0.01 to 20 dB/Div,


–120 to +90 dBm

–120 to +90 dBm

Amplitude Stability (1310 nm/1550 nm)

± 0.01 dB at 1 min

± 0.01 dB at 1 min


± 0.02 dB at 15 min.

± 0.02 dB at 15 min.




1290 to 1330 nm a, f

± 0.2 dB

± 0.2 dB

1525 to 1570 nm a, f

± 0.2 dB

1525 to 1610 nm a, f

± 0.2 dB

1250 to 1610 nm a,h, f

± 0.7 dB

± 0.7 dB

Polarization Dependence a,i,j



1310 nm

± 0.25 dB

± 0.12 dB

1530 nm, 1565 nm

± 0.2 dB

± 0.05 dB

1600 nm

± 0.25 dB

± 0.08 dB

1250 to 1650 nm

± 0.3 dB

± 0.25 dB




1250 to 1650 nm (Option 025)

± 0.4 dB



