Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands


This query returns the noise marker value normalized to 1 or 0.1 nm. The normalization bandwidth is controlled by the CALCulate:MARKer:FUNC- tion:NOISe:BWIDth command.

This query generates a “Settings conflict” error if the noise function is OFF for the specified marker.

CALCulate:MARKer[1234]:FUNCtion:NOISe[:STATe] OFFON01


Turns the marker noise function ON or OFF for a particular marker. Individual markers can have only one marker function on at a time. Use the CALCulate:MARKer:X command to position the noise marker.


Turns OFF all marker functions for the specified marker. This command is provided as a convenient way to turn all marker functions off without having to check the state of each individual marker function. If the marker specified by this command is OFF, the marker will be turned ON with all marker functions OFF, that is, the marker will be in the “normal” marker mode.

CALCulate:MARKer:INTerpolate OFFON01


Turns the normal/delta marker interpolation ON or OFF. When interpolation is ON, the normal/delta markers will be placed at the exact X setting, if the trace data allows. The marker will linearly interpolate between two true trace data points. The default state is OFF.

This setting controls the interpolation state for all four markers, except for the bandwidth markers.


Places the specified marker on the highest point of the trace. The point does not have to meet the peak excursion and threshold criteria. The marker trace is determined by the CALCulate:MARKer:TRACe command. If the specified marker is OFF, it will be turned ON and placed on the highest point of the trace.
