Remote Operation

CALibration Subsystem Commands


Performs a power calibration. The calibration is aborted if the power measured on the input signal is more than 3 dB higher or 10 dB lower than the value specified in the CALibration:POWer:VALue command.


Returns the date of the most recent power calibration.

CALibration:POWer:STATe OFFON01


Specifies whether or not the calibration power data is applied. Amplitude accuracy is only specified with power calibration ON.

CALibration:POWer:VALue <param>


Specifies the power to be used for calibration. Default units are set by the

UNITs:POWer command.

CALibration:POWer:WAVelength <numeric_value>[MUMNMAHZKHZMHZGHZ]


Specifies the wavelength of the signal used for the amplitude calibration.


Presets the calibration of the instrument to factory-calibrated values. This cancels the effect of any previous CALibration:POWer or CALibration:WAVe- length.

CALibration:STATe OFFON01


Specifies if the calibration data is applied or not. Amplitude accuracy and wavelength accuracy are only specified when calibration is ON. The response value is the logical AND of CALibration:POWer:STATe? and CALibra- tion:WAVelength:STATe?.
