Remote Operation
CALibration Subsystem Commands
Performs a wavelength calibration. If the wavelength measured on the input signal differs more than ±2.5 nm from the value specified in the CALibra- tion:WAVelength:VALue command, the calibration is aborted.
Returns the date of the most recent wavelength calibration.
Performs a wavelength calibration using the wavelength of the marker as the reference. If the wavelength of the marker differs more than ±2.5 nm from the value specified in the CALibration:WAVelength:VALue command, the calibration is aborted. If this marker is not ON, this command generates a “Settings conflict” error.
CALibration:WAVelength:STATe OFFON01
Specifies whether or not the calibration wavelength data is applied. Wavelength accuracy is only specified with wavelength calibration ON.
CALibration:WAVelength:VALue <param>[MUMNMA]
Specifies the wavelength for calibration. Default units for the parameter are meters.
Specifies whether or not autozeroing is enabled. Autozeroing measures and compensates for the dark current of the photodetector for improved amplitude accuracy. The ONCE parameter causes the dark current to be measured one time, and then the resulting correction is applied to all subsequent mea- surements. Autozeroing ON causes the dark current to be measured between sweeps, and then the resulting correction is applied to the next sweep.