Status Listings

OSA Warnings

Table 5-6. OSA Warnings (8 of 11)

Error Number

Error Description [description/explanation/examples]




desc = “Math expression input cannot be boolean.”


help = “A math expression could not be evaluated because one or more of the


input arguments is boolean. This function does not allow boolean input




desc = “Trace X axis values do not match.”


help = “A math expression could not be evaluated because the input arguments


have differing X axis values. This function requires that all input arguments have


identical X axis values. All trace inputs must be taken with identical start/stop




desc = “Error in source trace”


help => “The source trace has an error. The error may possibly be that the source


trace contains no points. Please try the operation again. If the error persists,


contact the HP support center nearest your location.”


desc = “Trace lengths do not match.”


help = “A math expression could not be evaluated because the inputs have


differing sizes (trace lengths). All inputs to this function must be of the same




desc = “Trace lengths do not match.”


help = “A math expression could not be evaluated because the inputs have


differing sizes (trace lengths). All inputs to this function must be of the same




desc = “Y axis counts do not match.”


help = “A math expression could not be evaluated because the inputs have


differing numbers of Y axis data. All input arguments to this function must have


the same number of Y axis data points.”


desc = “Incorrect number of inputs for math expression”


help = “A math expression could not be evaluated because the number of input


arguments to the function is incorrect.”


desc = “Math expression expects units of dBm.”


help = “A math expression could not be evaluated because the input argument


does not have the required Y axis units of dBm.”


desc = “Math expression expects units of watts.”


help = “A math expression could not be evaluated because the input argument


does not have the required Y axis units of watts.”
