Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands



Places the marker on a particular trace.


Returns the X-axis value of the normal marker. When the delta function is ON, the absolute X-axis value of the delta marker is returned. When the bandwidth function is ON, the X-axis value of the center marker is returned.

The units of the value returned by the query is determined by the CALCulate:MARKer:X:READout state. For READout of FREQuency, the units returned are in Hertz. For READout of WAVelength, the units returned are meters. For READout of TIME, the units are in seconds.

Sending the query when the specified marker is OFF will generate a “Settings conflict” error.

CALCulate:MARKer[1234]:X:FREQuency <numeric_value>

Sets the X-axis value of the normal marker. When the delta function is ON, the absolute X-axis value of the delta marker is controlled. When the bandwidth function is ON, the X-axis value of the center marker is controlled.

Sending the command when the specified marker is OFF will turn the marker ON and place the marker at the desired position. Sending the command when the instrument is in a zero span will generate a “Settings conflict” error.

CALCulate:MARKer:X:READout FREQuencyWAVelengthTIME


Sets the X-axis readout for frequency or wavelength when the instrument is in a non-zero span. This setting controls only the normal marker X-axis and the delta reference readout. The bandwidth and delta offset markers have their own settings. This setting controls all four normal markers.

Trying to set the READout to TIME when in a non-zero span generates a “Settings conflict” error. Trying to set the READout to FREQuency or WAVelength when in zero span also generate a "Settings conflict" error. When the instrument is set to zero span, the readout will automatically change to TIME. This command is primarily useful for non-zero spans.
