Remote Operation

Getting Started

Getting Started

One of the easiest ways to learn how to write programs to control the instrument is to look at simple examples. In “Example Programs” on page 4-16, you’ll find several useful example programs. Although they are written using the HP BASIC language, you can easily convert them to the language that you are using. The HP 86140 series’ HP-IB address is configured at the factory to a value of 23. You must set the output and input functions of your programming language to send the commands to this address. Pressing the green Preset key does not change the HP-IB address.




To change the HP-IB address

Press the front-panel System key.

Press the More System Functions.... softkey.

Press the Remote Setup.... softkey, and change the HP-IB address.

Remote mode and front-panel lockout

Whenever the instrument is in Remote mode, the RMT message is displayed on the instrument’s screen and all keys are disabled except for the front-panel LOCAL key. This key can be pressed by the user to restore front-panel control of the instrument.

You can specify a local lockout mode that de-activates the front-panel LOCAL key. If the instrument is in local lockout mode, all the front-panel keys are dis- abled.

Consult the documentation for your programming environment to determine which commands are used to put an instrument in the remote and local lockout modes. These are not HP 86140 series commands; they control HP-IB control lines and do not send any characters to the instrument.
