Remote Operation

SENSe Subsystem Commands

The maximum value for Sensitivity is +300 dBm. The minimum value is the value that causes the sweep time to become 1000 seconds, and is an attribute of each individual optical spectrum analyzer. The minimum value will always be less than the values for sensitivity shown in the Specifications section of the User’s Guide.



Turns the automatic setting of sensitivity ON or OFF. Specifying a value for sensitivity with the [SENSe]POWer[:DC]:RANGe:LOWer command will turn Auto


[SENSe:]SWEep:POINts <numeric_value>


Sets the number of the data points acquired during a sweep. The minimum number of data points is three and the maximum is 10001.

[SENSe:]SWEep:TIME <numeric_value>[USMSS]


Specifies the time in which the spectrum analyzer sweeps the displayed wavelength range.



When this function is ON, the sweep time is coupled to the trace length and the span.

[SENSe:][WAVelength:]CENTer <numeric_value>[MNMUMAHZKHZMHZGHZ]


Specifies the center wavelength. The start and stop wavelength and, if neces- sary, the span are adjusted so that:


Center = Start + -------------

