Remote Operation

Common Commands


Returns the current value of the instrument’s Status Byte. This will not change the Status Byte register. The response value is an integer, to be interpreted as a binary number, representing the bit values of the register. Performing a serial poll on the instrument also reads the Status Byte register, except that bit 6 indicates whether there is a service request that has not been serviced. The most convenient way to clear the Status Byte register is to send a *CLS command. The Status Byte register summarizes the states of the other register sets. It is also responsible for generating service requests.


Tests the analyzer interface hardware and returns 0 if the interface is func- tional.


Prevents the instrument from executing any further commands until the current command has finished executing. The *WAI command ensures that overlapped commands are completely processed before subsequent commands, those sent after the *WAI command, are processed. This command is not needed by the optical spectrum analyzer, since all commands are non- overlapped, but it is included for compatibility with existing programs that might use it.
