Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements
Choosing the Right Connector
A critical, but often overlooked, factor in making a good lightwave measurement is the selection and care of the
The system tolerance for reflection and insertion loss must be known when selecting a connector from the wide variety currently available. Some items to consider when selecting a connector are:
•How much insertion loss can be allowed?
•Will the connector need to make multiple connections? Some connectors are better than others, and some are very poor for making repeated connections.
•What is the reflection tolerance? Can the system take reflection degradation?
•Is an
•Is repeatability tolerance for reflection and loss important? Do your specifica- tions take repeatability uncertainty into account?
•Will a connector degrade the return loss too much, or will a fusion splice be re- quired? For example, many DFB lasers cannot operate with reflections from connectors. Often as much as 90 dB isolation is needed.
Over the last few years the FC/PC style connector has emerged as the most popular connector for
However, many instrument specifications require tighter tolerances than most connectors, including the FC/PC can deliver. These instruments cannot toler- ate connectors with the large