Remote Operation
SENSe Subsystem Commands
SENSe Subsystem Commands
[SENSe:]BANDwidthBWIDth[:RESolution] <numeric_value>[MNMUMA]
Sets the resolution bandwidth. Available resolution bandwidths are 10 nm, 5 nm, 2 nm, 1 nm, and either 0.07 nm or 0.06 nm. The narrowest resolution bandwidth in 0.7 nm on the HP 86140A and 86143A. It is 0.06 nm on the HP 86142A and 86145A.
In the AUTO coupled setting, the resolution bandwidth is controlled by the chosen wavelength span and the value set for [SENSe:]BANDwidthBWIDth[:RESolution]:RATio.
[SENSe:]BANDwidthBWIDth[:RESolution]:AUTO OFFON01
Couples the resolution bandwidth to the wavelength span. SENSe:BAND- width:AUTO ON sets the resolution bandwidth to span ⋅ resolution bandwidth ratio.
The Preset state of the resolution bandwidth coupling is AUTO.
[SENSe:]BANDwidthBWIDth[:RESolution]:RATio <numeric_value>
Specifies the ratio of the resolution bandwidth to the span. This parameter is multiplied by the span width to determine the automatic setting of the resolution bandwidth. The default ratio is .01.