Status Listings

Application-Specific Warnings

Table 5-7. Application-Specific Warnings (3 of 6)

Error Number

Error Description [description/explanation/examples]




desc = “Print statement ignored: no path is specified”


help = “The PRINT statement needs to be after a PATH statement to indicate


which PATH data is to be printed. The PRINT statement at the line number


specified came before any PATH statement. This PRINT statement will not


trigger any printouts.”


desc = “DEFAULT cannot be used for a parameter.”


help = “A parameter cannot be specified as DEFAULT. The parameter needs to


be either a previously defined variable name or an actual value. The bad


parameter was found on the line number specified. The number in the


parentheses is the number of the parameter causing the problem.”


desc = “A duplicate command is in the spec file.”


help = “Certain commands should be used only once in the specification file. The


duplicate command was found on the line number specified. The command in


the parentheses is the duplicate.”


desc = “A required command is missing from the spec file.”


help = “Certain commands must be used in the specification file. The missing


command is listed in the parentheses. This command should be used only once


in the file.”


desc = “The normalization interval limited to maximum.”


help = “The normalization interval has a maximum value of 24 and a minimum


value of 0.1 hours. The interval specified in the specification file is outside this


range. The specification file can still be used but the calibration interval will be


24 hours.”


desc = “The spec file could not be loaded.”


help = “The application found a problem with the specification file. Possible


causes can include the following: the file is incompatible with the application


the file is from a previous version of the application the file was corrupted. The


file with the problem is specified within the parentheses. Try re-importing the


specification file.”


desc = “The default spec file was loaded.”


help = “The default specification file for the application was loaded. This is done


when the application is first started or if a problem occurred when trying to load


another specification file. Refer to the previous warnings for information on any


problems loading another file.”
