Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands

CALCulate[123456]:THReshold:STATe ONOFF10


Turns on the marker search threshold function. When this threshold function is ON, marker peak searches will ignore peaks below the threshold value.


Returns the total power of the specified trace. Trace A corresponds to CALCulate1, trace B to CALCulate2, and so on. Corrections to the total power are made for the slope and variation of the resolution bandwidth filter over the wavelength range of the trace. When the CALCulate:TPOWer:IRANge is ON, the total power is calculated over the upper and lower range limits; otherwise, the total power is calculated over the entire trace. Sending this query when the CALCulate:TPOWer:STATe is OFF will generate a "Settings conflict" error.

CALCulate[123456]:TPOWer:IRANge:LOWer <numeric_value>[MUMNMAHZKHZMHZGHZTHZ]


Sets the lower X-axis limit for the total power integration range for all traces. Setting this value when the CALCulate:TPOWer:IRANge[:STATe] is OFF will automatically turn the CALCulate:TPOWer:IRANge[:STATe] ON. The range used for the total power integration is the same range used for the marker search range, the trace mean range, and the wavelength range. Changing the range with this command will change all four ranges.

Default units for the parameter are meters. Sending the command when the instrument is in a zero span will generate a “Settings conflict” error.
