Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands

Trying to set the readout to TIME when in a non-zero span generates a “Settings conflict” error. Trying to set the readout to FREQuency or WAVelength when in a zero span also generates a “Settings conflict” error. When the instrument is set to zero span, the readout will automatically change to TIME. If the delta marker is OFF a “Settings conflict” error is generated. This command is primarily useful for non-zero spans.


Returns the X-axis value of the reference marker. The units of the returned value are determined by the CALCulate:MARKer:FUNCtion:DELTa:X:READ- out setting. For a READout of FREQuency, the return value is in Hertz. For a READout of WAVelength, the return value is in meters. For READout of TIME, the X value is returned in seconds.

This query generates a “Settings conflict” error if the delta function is OFF for the specified marker.


Returns the difference between the delta marker absolute Y value and the reference Y value.

This query generates a “Settings conflict” error if the delta function is OFF for the specified marker.


Returns the Y-axis value of the reference marker.

This query generates a “Settings conflict” error if the delta function is OFF for the specified marker.

CALCulate:MARKer[1234]:FUNCtion:NOISe:BWIDthBANDwidth <numeric_value>


Sets the normalization bandwidth for the marker noise result query. The default units for the parameter are meters. There are only two allowable set- tings: 1 nm and 0.1 nm. Sending any value outside this range will generate a "Data out of range" error. Sending a value within this range will set the bandwidth to whichever of the two possible settings is closest to the specified value. If the specified noise marker is OFF, a “Settings conflict” error is gener- ated.
