Using the Optical Spectrum Analyzer
The Markers Menus
Bandwidth Marker Interpolation
Turns the bandwidth marker interpolation ON or OFF. When interpolation is ON, the bandwidth markers will be placed at the exact number of dB (NDB) from the normal marker if within the trace range. The position of the marker will be linearly interpolated between two trace data points. The default state is ON. If interpolate is OFF, for negative NDB values, the bandwidth markers will be at values closest to and more negative than the NDB value. For positive NDB values, the bandwidth markers will be at values closest to and more positive than the NDB values. This will typically result in a wider bandwidth mea- surement.
Peak Excursion
Sets the peak excursion value for the marker search routines.
Peak excursion criteria
The peak excursion value is used to determine whether or not a local maximum in the trace is to be considered a peak. To qualify as a peak, both sides of the local maximum must fall by at least the peak excursion value.
Pit Excursion
Sets the pit excursion value for the marker search routines.
Pit excursion criteria
The pit excursion value is used to determine whether or not a local minimum in the trace is to be considered a pit. To qualify as a pit, both sides of the local minimum must rise by at least the pit excursion value.