Status Listings

OSA Warnings

Table 5-6. OSA Warnings (11 of 11)

Error Number

Error Description [description/explanation/examples]




desc = “Pit not found”


help = “A pit search was requested. There are no valid pits on the current


marker’s trace. Try decreasing the marker pit excursion setting or adjust the


sensitivity setting.”


desc = “Trace has no centroid”


help = “The trace has no centroid. This may occur because the sum of trace


points’ amplitudes is zero or there a no trace points.”


desc = “The reference point is outside trace bounds”


help = “The reference point’s wavelength is either too small or too large. The


reference point will be clipped to a trace endpoint.”


desc = “The window specified is invalid.”


help = “The window specified is invalid. The window should be a constant.”


desc = “Search failed: no data”


help = “A marker search operation was requested. After clipping the trace data


to screen limits and line marker limits (if enabled) there was no data to search.


This can be caused when all trace data points are beyond current X axis screen


limits or when there are no trace data points between the line markers. Trace


data values which exceed the current Y axis screen limits will not cause this


problem. Adjust the current X axis screen limits and/or move the line markers to


include at least one trace data point.”


desc = “Attempt to divide by 0”


help = “At least one point was attempted to be divided by 0. The result for these


divisions has been set to not-a-number. Please realize that further calculations


with not-a-number values are undefined.”


desc = “Syntax error; bad token: “


help = “The grammar expression entered cannot be parsed. Please check the


string entered. The bad token attempts to indicate where the error occurred. The


end of line indicates that the OSA expected more information. Please consult


the manual for additional help.”


desc = “Unknown error detected”


help = “An unlisted error was reported by the instrument software. If this error


persists contact Hewlett-Packard for assistance.”


desc = “The warning list has overflowed”


help = “The Warning list has overflowed. The last entries received have been


