Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands


Returns the absolute X-axis value of the right bandwidth marker. The units returned are determined by the CALCulate:MARKer:FUNC- tion:BWIDthBANDwidth:X:READout state. For READout of FREQuency, the X value is returned in Hertz. For READout of WAVelength, the X value is returned in meters. For READout of WAVelength, the X value is returned in meters.

This query generates a “Settings conflict” error if the bandwidth function is OFF for the specified marker.


Sets the reference for the delta marker to the current position of the delta marker.

CALCulate:MARKer[1234]:FUNCtion:DELTa[:STATe] OFFON01


Turns the delta marker function ON or OFF for a particular marker. Individual markers can have only one marker function on at a time.

Turning the delta function for a marker ON will turn any other marker function OFF. For example, turning the delta function ON for a marker that has the bandwidth function ON, will turn the bandwidth function OFF and turn the delta function ON for the marker.

If the delta function is turned ON for a marker that is OFF, the marker will be turned ON, placed at the center wavelength, and the delta function will be turned ON.


Returns the difference between the absolute X-axis value of the delta marker and the X-axis value of the reference marker.

The units of the value returned by the query are determined by the CALCu- late:MARKer:FUNCtion:DELTa:X:READout state. For READout of FRE- Quency, the units are Hertz. For READout of WAVelength, the units are meters. For READout of TIME, the units are seconds.

This query generates a “Settings conflict” error if the delta function is OFF for the specified marker.
