Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands

values closest to and more negative than the NDB value. For positive NDB val- ues, the bandwidth markers will be at values closest to and more positive than the NDB values. This will typically result in a wider bandwidth measurement.

This is a global setting and controls the interpolation state for all four bandwidth markers.

CALCulate:MARKer[1234]:FUNCtion:BWIDthBANDwidth:NDB <numeric_value>


Sets the desired vertical offset from the numbered marker of the bandwidth markers. The parameter units are as specified in the UNIT:RATio command.

This value can be set or queried anytime. The marker does not have to be on or in the bandwidth function.

CALCulate:MARKer:FUNCtion:BWIDthBANDwidth:READout FREQuencyWAVelengthTIME


Sets the X-axis readout for frequency or wavelength when the instrument is in a non-zero span. This setting controls only the bandwidth marker X-axis readouts and the X:Left? and X:Right? queries. The delta markers have their own setting. This setting controls all four bandwidth markers.

Trying to set the readout to TIME when in a non-zero span generates a “Settings conflict” error. Trying to set the readout to FREQuency or WAVelength when in zero span also generates a “Settings conflict” error. When the instrument is set to zero span, the readout will automatically change to TIME. This command is primarily useful for non-zero spans.


Returns the difference in the X-axis values between the left and right bandwidth markers. The units returned are determined by the CALCulate:MARKer:FUNCtion:BWIDthBANDwidth:X:READout state. For READout of FREQuency, the result is returned in Hertz. For READout of WAVelength, the result is returned in meters.

If the bandwidth markers cannot find the desired NDB setting relative to the normal marker, the result returned will be 9.91e37. This value is defined by the SCPI standard to represent NaN (not a number).

This query generates a “Settings conflict” error if the bandwidth function is OFF for the specified marker.
