Remote Operation

CALCulate Subsystem Commands

CALCulate[123456]:MEAN:STATe OFFON01


Turns the mean power calculation for a trace ON or OFF. Only one mean power calculation can be turned on at a time. For example, if a mean power calculation is being performed on trace A, turning a mean power calculation for trace B ON will turn the calculation for trace A OFF.


Clears the current minimum hold values for the trace and allows a new minimum hold to occur. The trace will be initialized to the current value of the trace. If the specified trace is not in the minimum hold state, sending this command will have no effect.

CALCulate[123456]:MINimum[:STATe] OFFON01


Turns minimum hold for a trace ON or OFF. The minimum hold operation compares the current amplitude value of each point on a trace in the current sweep to the corresponding point detected during the previous sweep, then stores the minimum value. The CALCulate:AVERage, CALCulate:MAXimum, and CALCulate:MINimum states are mutually exclusive. Each trace can have only one of these functions on at a time. Turning CALCulate:MINimum ON will automatically turn CALCulate:AVERage and CALCulate:MAXimum OFF. Each trace can have a different CALC block turned on. For example, CALCulate1:MAXimum ON, CALCulate2:MINimum ON, CALCulate3:AVERage ON will put trace A in maximum hold, trace B in minimum hold, and trace C in trace average mode.

If the math expression with the corresponding CALCulate subopcode is OFF, then the SENSe:DATA is used for the minimum hold operation. If the math expression is ON, the result of the math expression is used for the minimum hold operation.

CALCulate:THReshold <param>[WMWUWDBM]


Sets the value for the marker search threshold.
