
Center WL softkey, 3-62

setting, 3-48

characteristics, 7-27-9

wavelength calibration, 3-46,3-63

Choose File to Recall or Delete softkey, 3-37

declaration of conformity, 7-11

Choose Files to Save softkey, 3-36


classification, laser, 7-10

automeasure, 3-53


HP-IB address, 3-55,4-4

connections, 6-10

marker settings, 3-30

printer head, 6-7

math trace, 3-58

Close Panel.... softkey, 3-65

wavelength settings, 2-3,3-63

colon, use in commands, 4-8

Default Math Trace.... softkeys, 3-58

command trees, 4-37

Defaults softkey, 3-65


delay, trigger, 3-20

CALCulate subsystem, 4-45

Delete Menu.... softkey, 3-37

CALibration subsystem, 4-68

deleting a file, 3-38

combining, 4-7

delta marker, 2-22,3-28

common, 4-42

units, setting, 3-31

DISPlay subsystem, 4-71

Delta Marker softkey, 3-28

FORMat subsystem, 4-76


HCOPy subsystem, 4-77

adding a title, 3-42

INITiate subsystem, 4-78

date/time, 3-43

long form, 4-7

dB/linear, 3-10

MEMory subsystem, 4-79

firmware revision, 3-42

MMEMory subsystem, 4-80

HP logo, 3-43

SENSe subsystem, 4-81

notices/errors/warnings, 3-42

short form, 4-7

OSA Extended State panel, 3-53

SOURce subsystem, 4-90

OSA State panel, 3-47

STATus subsystem, 4-91

overview, 2-8

SYSTem subsystem, 4-93

peak to center, 3-63

termination, 4-9

printing, 2-22

TRACe subsystem, 4-95

setup, 3-43

TRIGger subsystem, 4-99

title, 3-43

UNIT subsystem, 4-101

trace, 3-57

common commands, 4-42

Display Mode softkey, 3-10

sending, 4-8

Display Setup.... softkey, 3-43

compressed dust remover, 6-18

DISPlay subsystem commands, 4-71


dry connections, 6-15

accessories, 1-5

dust caps, 6-18

fiber-optic cables, 1-9

dynamic range, 7-4

printer, 1-6


connections, cleaning, 6-10


connector, characterizing, 6-16

cotton swabs, 6-18

EELED source specifications, 7-9

cycle time, sweep, 7-4

Electrostatic (ESD) information, 6-7


entering a filename, 3-36


EOI signal in commands, 4-9



displaying, 3-42

displaying, 3-43

queue, 4-15
