14: Command Reference
SLBâ„¢ Branch Office Manager User Guide 235
telnet <IP Address or Name> [port <TCP Port]
trigger <now|datetime|chars>
If the trigger is datetime (establish connection at a specified date/time), enter th e date
parameter. If the trigger is chars (establish connection on receipt of a specifie d number or
characters or a character sequence), enter either the charcount or the charseq param eter.
udp <IP Address> [port <UDP Port>]
Connects a device port to another device port or an outbound network connection (data flows in
one direction).
show connections
show connections [email <Email Address>]
Displays connections and their IDs. You can optionally email the disp layed information.
The connection IDs are in the left column of the resulting table. The conn ection ID
associated with a particular connection may change if the connection t imes out and is
show connections connid
show connections connid <Connection ID> [email <Email Address>]
Displays details for a single connection. You can optionally email the d isplayed information.
Console Port Commands
set consoleport
set consoleport <one or more parameters>
baud <300-115200>
databits <7|8>
flowcontrol <none|xon/xoff|rts/cts>
parity <none|odd|even>
showlines <enable|disable>
stopbits <1|2>
timeout <disable|1-30>