Serial Console Redirection | BIOS |
SThe COM port routing described above is only applicable to BIOS versions w 2.0.0. Earlier BIOS versions used a different routing. For details refer to theaPENT/ATCA−715/717/7105/7107 BIOS Information Sheeta which can be downloaded from the Motorola literature catalog web site.
SCOM port swapping can also be enabled via an IPMI System Boot Options command. COM port swapping is enabled if either the on−board switch 3−4, the IPMI System Boot Options command or both enable it.a
A NULL−Modem cable is available as accessory kit for the blade. It converts the RJ−45 connector to a standard DSUB connector which can be connected to a remote terminal. The following communication parameters are used by default:
SBaud rate: 9600
SNo handshake
S8 data bits
SNo parity
S1 stop bit
All configuration parameters listed above can be modified via the BIOS.a
Connecting to the Blade
In order to connect to the blade using the serial console redirect feature, proceed as follows:.
1.Configure terminal to communicate using the same parameters as in BIOS setup
2.Connect terminal to NULL−modem cable
3.Connect NULL−modem cable to COM port you have selected in BIOS setup
4.Start up blade
PENT/ATCA−717 | 85 |