Administrator’s Guide for the V500 System
Setting | Description |
NAT Configuration | Specify whether the system should attempt to determine the |
| NAT Public WAN Address automatically. |
| • If the system is behind a NAT that allows HTTP traffic, select |
| Auto. The system will attempt to automatically discover the |
| NAT Public WAN Address. |
| • If the system is behind a NAT that does not allow HTTP |
| traffic or if Auto fails to discover the NAT Public WAN |
| address, select Manual. |
| • If the system is not behind a NAT, select Off. |
| • If the system is behind a firewalled NAT router that is |
| UPnP™ (Universal Plug and Play) certified, select UPnP. |
| Many routers used in homes and small businesses support |
| UPnP NAT traversal. If this is your situation, try selecting |
| UPnP first. If this selection does not work for your router, |
| select Auto or Manual. |
NAT Public (WAN) | Displays the address that callers from outside the LAN use to |
Address | call your system. |
| If you chose to configure the NAT manually, enter the NAT |
| Public WAN Address here. You can obtain this address by |
| looking at your router configuration or by asking your network |
| service provider. |
NAT is H.323 | Specify whether the system is behind a NAT that is capable of |
Compatible | translating H.323 traffic. |
Address Displayed in | Specify whether to display this system’s public or private |
Global Directory | address in the Global Directory. |
Calling Through a Router, Using a DMZ
A Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) is a way to configure a network so that the device that is in the DMZ (such as the V500) is served by the router, but is outside the firewall. Depending on your router, configuring the V500 system to be in the DMZ may affect its ability to communicate locally with other devices on the internal LAN.
With a DMZ, no unauthorized external connections are allowed with the devices inside the firewall, but the V500 is allowed free access to the Internet. Therefore, this configuration leaves the V500 without protection from external sources.
Systems deployed outside a firewall are potentially vulnerable to unauthorized access. Visit the Polycom Security Center at for timely security information. You can also register to receive periodic email updates and advisories.
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