Chapter 7 - Diagnostics and General Troubleshooting
Symptom | Problem | Corrective action |
No audio at your site | The far site is muted. | Look for the far site Mute icon. Ask the far site to unmute |
| the microphone. |
| Note: The far site’s microphone may be muted even if you |
| do not see a far site Mute icon. |
| The volume may be turned | Use the remote control to turn up the volume. |
| all the way down. | Then check the system’s audio output using the Speaker |
| |
| Test screen under Diagnostics > Audio. You should hear |
| a 400 Hz tone. |
| The far site’s microphones | Ensure that each person who speaks is facing a |
| are not placed correctly. | microphone and is close enough to it. |
| The far site’s microphone | Ask the far site to check the cable to the microphone. |
| is not connected or does |
| not have power. |
| Too many line errors. | Try the call again later. |
| ISDN voice algorithm is | Go to System > Admin > Network > ISDN. |
| incorrect. | Change the ISDN Voice Algorithm selection (aLaw or |
| |
| uLaw). |
| The volume is turned all | Turn up the volume on the TV monitor. After that, you can |
| the way down on the TV | use the remote control to adjust the volume. |
| monitor. |
| The monitor’s audio inputs | Check audio output using the Speaker Test screen under |
| are not connected properly | Diagnostics > Audio. You should hear a 400 Hz tone. |
| Ask someone at the far site to speak into the microphone, |
| and check the Far Site Audio meter on the Audio Meter |
| screen under Diagnostics > Audio to determine whether |
| your system is receiving audio. |
| The system’s audio | Check the system’s audio connections to the TV monitor. |
| outputs are not connected | Verify that the system is connected to the correct audio |
| properly. | |
| connectors on the monitor. | |
| |
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