Erasing the Call logs List
You can delete either an individual call log entry or all current entries from the Logs list. To clear a single entry from the list:
1. From the Home screen, tap |
| Phone g |
| Logs tab. |
| ||||
2.Select an entry and then tap Delete g Select all g Done. To clear all entries from the list:
1.From the Home screen, tap Phone g
Logs tab.
2.Tap Menu g Delete g Select all g Done.
3.Tap OK to continue with the erasure.
– or –
Tap Cancel to stop the current process.
Call Duration
1.From the Home screen, tap Phone g
Logs tab.
2.Tap Menu g Call duration.
3.The following times are displayed for Voice and Data:
●LAST CALL: Shows the length of time for the last call.
●DIALED CALLS: Shows the total length of time for all calls made.
●RECEIVED CALLS: Shows the total length of time for all calls received.
●ALL CALLS: Shows the total length of time for all calls made and received.
4.You may reset these times to zero by tapping Menu then selecting Reset.