●Panorama: Take wide panoramic photos. Press the Shutter button to take a photo, and then move the camera in any direction. When the blue frame aligns with the preview screen, the camera automatically takes another shot in the panoramic sequence. To stop shooting, press the Shutter button again.
●Night: Use this mode to take better pictures in lower‑light conditions.
●Shot & shot: Use this mode to enrich pictures by adding background sounds for a few seconds. The background sound is recorded for up to 9 seconds after taking the photo.
●Sports: Use this to take fast action photos.
Camera and Camcorder Settings
This section describes the different settings that you can configure on your camera. Not all of the following options are available in both still camera and video camera modes. The available options vary by mode.
► From the main camera screen, tap Settings to quickly change these settings. The settings that are displayed will depend on what camera mode you are in.
●Picture size: Select a resolution for photos. Use higher resolution for higher quality. Higher resolution photos take up more memory.
●Face detection: Allows you to adjust the camera focus based on face detection technology.
●ISO: Determines how sensitive the light meter is on your digital camera. Use a lower ISO number to make your camera less sensitive to light, a higher ISO number to take photos with less light, or Auto to let the camera automatically adjust the ISO for each of your shots.
●Metering modes: Allows you to set how the camera measures or meters the light
source: Center‑weighted, Matrix, or Spot.
●Tap to take pics.: Allows you enable the ability to also take images by tapping on the screen.
●Video size: Select a resolution for videos. Use higher resolution for higher quality. Higher resolution videos take up more memory.