●Model number: Displays the device’s model number.
●Android version: Displays the firmware version loaded on this device.
●Baseband version: Displays the baseband version loaded on this device.
●Kernel version: Displays the kernel version loaded on this device.
●Build number: Displays the software, build number.
Note: Firmware, baseband, kernel and build numbers are usually used for updates to the handset or support. For additional information please contact your customer service representative.
●SE for Android status: Displays the status of SELinux. SELinux is a set of security policies/modules which is applied to the device to improve the overall security.
Software Update
The Software Update feature enables you to use your device to connect to the network and upload any new software directly to your device. The device automatically updates with the latest available software when you access this option. The following icons show your Bluetooth connection status at a glance:
Displays when the Software update feature is active.
Displays when the Software update feature is in progress.
Section 9: Changing Your Settings 283