•P/P UTILITY 1 and P/P UTILITY 2 buses
•DSK 1 fill to DSK 4 fill buses
•DSK 1 source to DSK 4 source buses
•P/P external DME bus
bSelected source name displays These show the name of the currently selected signal (source) on the bus corresponding to the delegation button.
cDEST (destination) button
Press this button, turning it on, to display the names of buses allocated to the delegation buttons in the selection source name displays.
dSelected bus display
This shows the name of the bus selected by the auxiliary bus delegation buttons.
By holding down the [2ND] button and making an AUX delegation selection, you can allocate the 2nd row to a different bus from the 1st row.
In this case, if the 32nd button is set to be a [SHIFT] button (in a
Press one of these buttons, turning it on, to enable
gKEY button
While this button is held down, you can use the
h2ND button
After selecting a bus with an AUX delegation button, hold down this button, and select another AUX delegation, thus allocating a different bus in the 2nd row from the 1st row.
iSource name displays
These show the names of the source signals which can be selected by the
While the [KEY] button is held down, the source name of the key signal assigned to the
jSHIFT button
While this button is enabled, the shifted signal names appear in the source name display. Pressing this buttons toggles the source name display between the shifted signal names and unshifted signal names.
Panel Control and Menus 2 Chapter
Names and Functions of Parts of the Control Panel 195