Transition Preview

Carrying out a transition preview

To carry out a transition preview, use the following procedure.

For an overview of the transition preview, see page 44.

1 In the M/E or PGM/PST bank transition control block, press the [TRANS PVW] button.

The [TRANS PVW] button lights green, and the switcher is now in the transition preview mode. At this point, the preview output is the same as the program output before the [TRANS PVW] button was pressed.

2 Operate the fader lever, or press the [AUTO TRANS] button or [CUT] button.

On the preview monitor, you can check the effect of the transition.

To terminate a transition preview

There are three modes for a transition preview. To terminate a transition preview, carry out the operation which depends on the mode, and press the [TRANS PVW] button, turning it off.

Lock: Toggling the [TRANS PVW] button on and off switches between the transition preview mode and the normal mode.

Hold: The preview mode obtains only while the [TRANS PVW] button is held down.

One Time: Each time a transition ends, it reverts to the normal mode.

For details of the mode setting, see “Operation Settings (Operation Menu)” and “Settings Relating to Video Switching (Transition Menu)” in Chapter 16 (Volume 2).


During a transition, whether executed with the [AUTO TRANS] button or the fader lever, it is not possible to press the [TRANS PVW] button.

In bus fixed mode (see page 43), transition previews are not available.

When using the simple-type transition control block (see page 255), transition previews are not available.

Transitions 3 Chapter

Transition Preview 247