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Function Writes a specified data onto an RFID tag. No printing is performed.
The result of a data write is notified by returning a detailed status.
[ESC]@012;a (,Abbb) (,Mc) (,Pd) (,Fe) (,Tff) (,Dgg) (,Gh) (,Riiiiiiii) (,Kjjjjjjjj) (,Lkk) (,Jllllllll)
(,Vm) (,Bnn) (,Hopppppppp · · ·) (,Qqrstuvw · · ·) (,Xxyyyyyyyy · · ·) =ooo------ooo) [LF]
Term a: Data write parameter
w: Data is written onto an RFID tag.
Abbb: Address where the data is written (Omissible)
000 to 999
Designates the address where data starts to be written.
When omitted, this parameter will be set to 18 for ISO18000-6B tag, or 0 for
other tag types.
Mc: Format of U-Code V1.19 (Omissible)
0: SGTIN 96 format
1: SSCC96 format
2: (Reserved)
When the format of U-Code V1.19 is designated, the specified address,
where the data is written, will become invalid. This parameter is effective
only when the tag type is ISO18000-6B.
When omitted, the U-Code V1.19 format is not used.
When 2: (Reserved) is selected, operations are not guaranteed.
Pd: Partition number (Omissible)
0 to 6
This parameter is effective only when U-Code V1.19 or EPC format is
designated. When omitted, 5 will be set.
Fe: Filter number (Omissible)
0 to 7
This parameter is effective only when U-Code V1.19 or EPC format is
designated. When omitted, 0 will be set.
Tff: Tag type (Omissible)
00: None
11: I-Code
12: Tag-it
13: C220
14: ISO15693
15: C210
16: C240
17: C320
21: EPC Class 0
22: EPC Class 1
23: ISO 18000-6B
24: EPC Class 1 Generation 2
Designates the type of RFID tag onto which data is to be written.
When omitted, the tag type set in the system mode will be designated.
In accordance with the tag type designated by this setting, the tag type set in
the system mode changes.
When “00: NONE” is designated, the backed up tag type will be designated,
and the system mode setting will not be changed.