You can use the Serial
Transfer Channel List
Configure Transfer Settings
Press SPACE to change, ENTER to accept
Transfer Option: Transmit
You can can press [Enter] to accept the default “Transmit” option, so that the local Management Card sends its channel list to the remote Card, which replaces its own list with the local Card’s. Or you can toggle to “Receive,” so that the local Card overwrites its own list with the remote Card’s. Either way, you will be prompted for the address of the remote Card:
Channel address
As soon as you enter the address (chassis number followed by slot letter) of the remote Management Card, the transfer begins. You will receive one of these messages to indicate the result of the attempted transfer:
Successfully completed
Disconnected from remote
Invalid remote password
Remote channel busy
No response from remote
If you’re not going to be running a VT100 session on the Management Card’s serial port, you can run cable from it to a PC running
Current Main Menu serial port status is DISABLED.
Press SPACE to change, ENTER to accept
Press the spacebar to toggle the setting. This line appears:
Main Menu serial port is currently ENABLED.
At this point, you must press Enter to return to the System Management Tools Main Menu. Any terminal- emulating PC attached to the Management Card’s serial port will now be able to access this menu directly until this setting is switched back to DISABLED.