Boost 3V OK (Bit 2)
The Boost 3V OK bit is a read only bit that returns the status of the OTG Boost circuit.
1:Boost circuit not ok and internal voltage rails are below 3.0V
0:Boost circuit ok and internal voltage rails are at or above 3.0V
Sleep Enable (Bit 1)
Setting this bit to ‘1’ immediately initiates SLEEP mode. While in SLEEP mode, the entire chip is paused, achieving the lowest standby power state. All operations are paused, the internal clock is stopped, the booster circuit and OTG VBUS charge pump are all powered down, and the USB transceivers are powered down. All counters and timers are paused but retain their values; enabled PWM outputs freeze in their current states. SLEEP mode exits by any activity selected in this register. When SLEEP mode ends, instruction execution resumes within 0.5 ms.
1:Enable Sleep mode
0:No function
Interrupt Enable Register [0xC00E] [R/W]
Table 29. Interrupt Enable Register
Halt Enable (Bit 0)
Setting this bit to ‘1’ immediately initiates HALT mode. While in HALT mode, only the CPU is stopped. The internal clock still runs and all peripherals still operate, including the USB engines. The power saving using HALT in most cases is minimal, but in appli- cations that are very CPU intensive the incremental savings may provide some benefit.
The HALT state is exited when any enabled interrupt is triggered. Upon exiting the HALT state, one or two instructions immediately following the HALT instruction may be executed before the waking interrupt is serviced (you may want to follow the HALT instruction with two NOPs).
1:Enable Halt mode
0:No function
Write all reserved bits with ’0’.
Bit # | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
| Reserved |
| OTG | SPI | Reserved | Host/Device 2 | Host/Device 1 |
Field |
| Interrupt | Interrupt |
| Interrupt | Interrupt |
| Enable | Enable |
| Enable | Enable | |
Read/Write | - | - | - | R/W | R/W | - | R/W | R/W |
Default | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Bit # | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
| HSS | In Mailbox | Out Mailbox | Reserved | UART | GPIO | Timer 1 | Timer 0 |
Field | Interrupt | Interrupt | Interrupt |
| Interrupt | Interrupt | Interrupt | Interrupt |
Enable | Enable | Enable |
| Enable | Enable | Enable | Enable | |
Read/Write | R/W | R/W | R/W | - | R/W | R/W | R/W | R/W |
Default | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Register Description
The Interrupt Enable register allows control of the hardware interrupt vectors.
OTG Interrupt Enable (Bit 12)
The OTG Interrupt Enable bit enables or disables the OTG ID/OTG4.4V Valid hardware interrupt.
1:Enable OTG interrupt
0:Disable OTG interrupt
SPI Interrupt Enable (Bit 11)
The SPI Interrupt Enable bit enables or disables the following three SPI hardware interrupts: SPI TX, SPI RX, and SPI DMA Block Done.
1:Enable SPI interrupt
0:Disable SPI interrupt
Host/Device 2 Interrupt Enable (Bit 9)
The Host/Device 2 Interrupt Enable bit enables or disables all of the following Host/Device 2 hardware interrupts: Host 2 USB Done, Host 2 USB SOF/EOP, Host 2 Wakeup/Insert/Remove, Device 2 Reset, Device 2 SOF/EOP or WakeUp from USB, Device 2 Endpoint n.
1:Enable Host 2 and Device 2 interrupt
0:Disable Host 2 and Device 2 interrupt
Host/Device 1 Interrupt Enable (Bit 8)
The Host/Device 1 Interrupt Enable bit enables or disables all of the following Host/Device 1 hardware interrupts: Host 1 USB Done, Host 1 USB SOF/EOP, Host 1 Wakeup/Insert/Remove, Device 1 Reset, Device 1 SOF/EOP or WakeUp from USB, Device 1Endpoint n.
1:Enable Host 1 and Device 1 interrupt
0:Disable Host 1 and Device 1 interrupt
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