Document #: 38-08015 Rev. *J Page 29 of 99
Port A SOF/EOP Enable (Bit 0)
The Port A SOF/EOP Enable bit is only applicable in host mode.
In device mode this bit must be written as ‘0’. In host mode this
bit enables or disables SOFs or EOPs for Port A. Either SOFs or
EOPs are generated depending on the LOA bit in the USB n
Control register when Port A is active.
1: Enable SOFs or EOPs
0: Disable SOFs or EOPs
Write all reserved bits with ’0’.
USB Host Only Registers
There are twelve sets of dedicated registers for USB host only operation. Each set consists of two identical registers (unless otherwise
noted), one for Host Port 1 and one for Host Port 2. These register sets are covered in this section and summarized in Tab le 47.
Host n Control Register [R/W]
Host 1 Control Register 0xC080
Host 2 Control Register 0xC0A0
Register Description
The Host n Control register allows high level USB transaction
Preamble Enable (Bit 7)
The Preamble Enable bit enables or disables the transmission of
a preamble packet before all low-speed packets. Set this bit only
when communicating with a low-speed device.
1: Enable Preamble packet
0: Disable Preamble packet
Table 47. USB Host Only Register
Register Name Address (Host 1/Host 2) R/W
Host n Control Register 0xC080/0xC0A0 R/W
Host n Address Register 0xC082/0xC0A2 R/W
Host n Count Register 0xC084/0xC0A4 R/W
Host n Endpoint Status Register 0xC086/0xC0A6 R
Host n PID Register 0xC086/0xC0A6 W
Host n Count Result Register 0xC088/0xC0A8 R
Host n Device Address Register 0xC088/0xC0A8 W
Host n Interrupt Enable Register 0xC08C/0xC0AC R/W
Host n Status Register 0xC090/0xC0B0 R/W
Host n SOF/EOP Count Register 0xC092/0xC0B2 R/W
Host n SOF/EOP Counter Register 0xC094/0xC0B4 R
Host n Frame Register 0xC096/0xC0B6 R
Table 48. Host n Control Register
Bit # 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Field Reserved
Read/Write --------
Default 00000000
Bit # 76543210
Field Preamble
Enable Sequence
Select Sync
Enable ISO
Enable Reserved Arm
Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W - - - R/W
Default 00000000
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